The fascist coup d'etat overthrew democratic-popular power in the Plurinational State of Bolivia. President Morales was forced resigned and exile by the fascist putsch.
We reject the legitimacy of the coup government! We are in solidarity with Bolivian democratic forces and full support workers and indigenous peoples! We call all revolutionary-democratic forces, workers and oppressed people around the world to oppose and to fight the fascist coup d'etat.
This coup is made by the USA. The OAS is the coup legitimization apparatus of the US, as we also saw in Venezuela. The bloody fingerprints of them are, marked in all fascist coup attempt against democratic-progressive governments in Latin America.
The imperialists had been using "colour revolutions" to overthrow democratic governments once, yet today they're using putschist methods, like in Maidan coup d'etat. All imperialists support neo-nazi slaughter against democratic-popular governments. That is that the real face of bourgeois "democracy"!
Bolivian workers and indigenous people rejected the coup and took the streets in El Alto, Cochabamba, La Paz, etc. During the demonstrations in El Alto, protesters shouted chant: "Mesa, Camacho, we want your heads!" Miners are marching in the streets of the capital city, La Paz! All indigenous workers, too. A popular uprising is arising. The bourgeois civil war in which the coup was the top of it has begun, before the election, in September.
The proletarian civil war begins now!
Police forcibly prevent representatives who are members of MAS the entrance to Parliament. A few white supremacist legislators claim that legitimist power is in their hands. In these conditions, MAS deputies must gather a new assembly. All workers and indigenous people will support this new assembly. Otherwise, putschists will gain legitimacy by imperialists supports. All forces of revolution, indigenous workers, poor peasants, youths will intensify their struggle if democratic forces declare their power.
The revolution is in danger. Everything is on the edge of the cliff. Either take a step forward or the fascist coup will prevail!
Communist Labour Party of Turkey/Leninist (CLPT/Leninist) supports revolutionary steps of democratic forces of Bolivia and offers full support Bolivian labourers!
Down with fascist coup!
Central Committee of CLPT/Leninist