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To Working Class and Oppresed Labor People of Turkey and Kurdistan!

The Fascist state (the fascist state of Turkey) declared it would begin a new battle and a military occupation against working people in Rojava. The fascist state that invaded Cerablus, El Bab and Efrin recently, is preparing to bring blood and death to Kurdish people and all of the working people who live in Rojava.

Fascism means war, expansionism, invasion and annexation. The fascist state and religious fascist government did not need to hide their intentions and goals. They attack South-Kurdistan, North-Kurdistan and they expand their war and military occupation movement to new regions against the people of Rojava.

The USA and all imperialist states stand by the battle plans of the fascist state of Turkey; open or hidden, the fascist state of Turkey has been supported by them. The fascist state and the religious fascist government can find power to challenge working people because of support of the USA, European and other imperialist states.

Read more: To Working Class and Oppresed Labor People of Turkey and Kurdistan!

The Permanent Crisis of Capitalism- Revolutionary Situation in the World

Today, human history has entered an era of inversions when “everything solid melts into air.” The speed of global developments is dizzying. We find ourselves in a period of condensed history in which ten years of developments now fit into months, weeks or even days. All across the world the winds of revolution are blowing from continent to continent, from country to country, from Latin America to Europe, from Asia to Africa.

Read more: The Permanent Crisis of Capitalism- Revolutionary Situation in the World

The Programme of TKEP/L

THE PROGRAM OF TKEP/L ( Communist Labor Party of Turkey/Leninist)



While capitalist mode of production proletarianizes vast majority of society more, at the same time, also creates revolutionary force that will abolish it.

Consequence of concentration and centralization of capital, development of international trade and its transformation to imperialism which is the last stage of capitalism, capitalism becomes widespread and condenses deeply and widely; as a result of this, while capitalism becomes ripe for proletariat revolutions; it also trains and unifies proletariat that will achieve the revolution through its own mechanism.

In all capitalist countries in which society has separated two hostile camps as bourgeoisie and proletariat, antagonistic class contradictions are getting deeper and class struggle gradually becomes harder.

Class movement of proletariat in all countries whose interests are same, gains more international character. International proletariat movement in an exact class solidarity and unity has passed in hard and concentrate struggle that has lasted for decades. Struggle of social emancipation which proletariat wages in all capitalist countries of world, spreads and rises gradually.

Proletariat of Turkey and Kurdistan is a platoon of the army of international working class. Proletariat of Turkey and Kurdistan wages struggle for self class emancipation on the basis of class solidarity with proletariat of all countries and struggle mentality.

TKEP/Leninist that was established to get this struggle of Turkey and Kurdistan’s proletariat reached its aim is a revolutionary class party on which proletariat should be based. Emancipation struggle of proletariat based on revolutionary-communist organizing condenses and rises.

This program of revolution, is showing the way of reaching communism to proletariat.

TKEP/Leninist is based on revolutionary doctrine of marxism-leninism in its theoretic and politic studies and its practice.

The aim of TKEP/Leninist is to abolish classes and class domination.

TKEP/Leninist which pointed out clearly that it will achieve its aim solely by the way of revolution, wages a resolute struggle against the reformism, opportunism, revisionism and all deviated ideologies that divert proletariat’s target in this struggle.

Read more: The Programme of TKEP/L


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